Irish Designed and manufactured, the Epac Waste System (EWS)  is a new innovation in waste management. The EWS, which has a patent pending, is a process whereby consumer sized ‘mouthfuls of waste’ - generally ‘black sacks’ of general or recyclable waste - are driven through a small hexagonal chamber and compressed into a fully enclosed 2 cubic meter sealed skip bag (Gcube) through a patent pending Dynamic Compaction Settlement (DCS) technology. This technology massages large volumes of waste into a much smaller solid block within the Gcube. Each Gcube amazingly holds a volume equating to 8-10 large 1,100L wheelie bins, in an area equivalent to just a single wheelie bin. This space saving frees up large amounts of expensive space for more productive and profitable uses. 


“Completely transforms traditional methods of waste collection”

Our solution completely transforms traditional methods of waste collection by eliminating the need for waste companies to use multiple and unsightly wheelie bins for collecting waste, or the need to operate specialist expensive two or three person operated municipal wheelie bin lorries. Under our system, a normal flatbed truck or curtain side truck or trailer with a tail-lift, Hiab-style crane lift or rear mounted forklift and a single driver is all that is required to make collections. No wheelie bins whatsoever are required. The EWS uses tailored Gcubes which are designed to contain odours associated with waste rooms. Each Gcube sits on a standard pallet, housed within the equipment and each Gcube is odour free, hydrophobic and stackable. Each new Gcube is fresh, unused and clean, and can be used with all types of domestic, recycling and light industrial waste.

“Designed with the end user and safety in mind”

Designed with the end user and safety in mind, the EWS is an automated operation, with no buttons to press or complicated sequences to follow. The innovative system dramatically reduces the time required for on-site collections and significantly reduces the frequency of collections. The EWS utilises compaction and affords clients the capacity to cope with fluctuations in their waste demands. When the Gcube is full, a simple hand operated pallet truck is all that is needed to change it. Simply replacing the Gcube guarantees endless capacity with no waiting for collection day to arrive.


“One of the key advantages of the EWS is its size”

One of the key advantages of the EWS is its size. It is tiny compared to anything else on the market and uses very little space to operate. The system is easy to install and is single-phase, which means they use the standard electricity supply. The power output used is less than what is required to power a hairdryer. This system cuts out the cost of expensive cabling and has a low energy requirement. The EWS can also be fitted with added value technologies such as ‘polluter pays’, ‘pay by weight’, ‘remote capacity monitoring’, ‘real time waste data’, ‘staff time management’, and much more.

Full GCubes stored and awaiting collection.

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